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This page shows a list of events filtered by Location Category

We have used the silver member Locations addon and linked events with various Zoos around the world.  This list of events show only the events at these zoos.  You will also see the managed images addon showing an image for each event.  This demo is dest viewed with the Iconic Layout which you can choose from the Switch Layout module on the right.

You should try switching layouts using the "Switch Layout" module on the right side of the page to see the different style options.

We have created 4 demo accounts that you can use to add events to JEvents.

Username Password   Username 
demo demo   demo3 demo3
demo2 demo2   demo4 demo4

You can then add or modify events and see for yourself how powerful and easy to use JEvents is!  To add an event click the link at the bottom of the calendar.  These events are cleaned out automatically after 24 hours.

Events at the Zoo

Monday 29 May 2023
No events were found